Health & Hormones

Hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, vaginal dryness, low libido, anxiety and period changes are symptoms that suggest a hormone imbalance. Millions of women have found relief with bio-identical hormone replacement. Others suffer in silence because of fear of side effects or lack of knowledge about the benefits of hormone therapy.
Find out if bio-identical hormones are right for you.

Hormone pellets are an alternative to topical creams, oral hormone compounds and injectables. Made of bio-identical estrogen and/or testosterone, the pellets are inserted under the skin by a physician and provide symptom control for months at a time.

Approved by Health Canada, hormone pellet therapy is a great way to optimize hormone levels and expedite your journey toward optimal wellness.

Science clearly points to lifestyle as the number one factor determining our risk for disease and the rate at which we age.
We know what to do, but it’s not always easy to make those new habits stick.
Having the right coach can make all the difference.

We offer both B12 and B complex injections to assist with fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and general health.

Book your appointment today!

Located in the Vernon Sterling Centre, our clinic offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for our patients.