Bio-Identical Hormones


Menopause…The word immediately brings up negative images of sweaty, miserable women too tired to enjoy life, let alone sex. But that does not need to be the case. In fact, Dr. Hatfield believes a rebirth can occur at menopause, so much so that she has coined the phrase “Menopossibility”, refusing to allow the decline of a few hormones rob women of their happiness and vitality.

Sometime in her late 40s or early 50s, every woman will experience a decline in hormones made by the ovary - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. As these precious molecules become fewer in number, she will develop symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, heavy or absent menstrual flow, sore breasts, weight changes, incontinence and painful sex (to name a few).

Physicians have been offering women hormone replacement to manage these symptoms for decades. Unfortunately, they did not get it right at first, prescribing synthetic hormones that caused problems and led to fears about the safety of hormone replacement that linger today.

Dr. Hatfield and physicians like her understand that hormone replacement must be done with bio-identical hormones, which means they are an exact match for the hormones our bodies make. It is also important to prescribe all of the missing hormones, which you can only determine with laboratory testing. Once identifying your needs, you will have options for replacement including patches, compounded creams and capsules or hormone pellets (see
Hormone Pellet Therapy).

When done correctly, hormone replacement is safe and helps prevent the onset of diseases we associate with aging such as osteoporosis, dementia and heart disease while simultaneously improving your quality of life.

Each and every woman is unique, which is why we customize your hormone replacement program to meet your individual needs. Depending upon your medical history, you may not be a good candidate for hormone replacement, in which case Dr. Hatfield will work with you to find alternative treatments to manage your menopause transition.

A referral is required for your initial consultation. If you choose to continue with a bio-identical hormone balancing program, physician visits and labs will be billed privately as per MSP guidelines.

Dr. Hatfield is not currently accepting new patients for bio-identical hormone replacement. She encourages you to check back as this may change in future.

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Located in the Vernon Sterling Centre, our clinic offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for our patients.