B Complex Injections

B complex injection is very crucial for maintaining our overall function of the body. Vitamin B-complex consists of B-vitamins which includes B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. Each B-vitamin is essential in optimizing your overall body function.
Symptoms of Low B Vitamins
Although you may get enough B-vitamins through having a balanced diet, But, there are possibilities that some people can have deficiency. And, below are the known symptoms of having low B-vitamins.
Numbness or tingling on your feet or hands
Experiencing Fatigue and Weakness
Having an Anemia
Having skin rashes and scaly skin on the lips
Getting cracks around your mouth
Having Swollen Tongue
Experiencing abdominal cramps

    Treatment Time - 15 MINS
    Pain - MINIMAL
    Down Time - NONE

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Located in the Vernon Sterling Centre, our clinic offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for our patients.