
Say NO to Incontinence
EMSELLA is a new option for strengthening the pelvic floor. The device itself is a chair that you sit on, fully clothed, while a magnet in the seat stimulates strong but painless contractions of the pelvic floor, nearly 11,000 in a 28-minute session. I dare you to try that many Kegels on your own!
The pelvic floor may become weakened from pregnancy, childbirth, aging or surgery (including prostate procedures). A strong pelvic floor is needed to control bladder leakage, whether from sudden movement or with the urge to void. It can also improve your pleasure and confidence during sexual activity.
Both men and women can benefit from EMSELLA treatments. We recommend a series of 6 sessions over 3 weeks, after which you will be reevaluated to determine if more are necessary. Follow-up treatments are recommended every 6 to 12 months to maintain your results.
Dr. Hatfield will see you in consultation to help you decide if EMSELLA is right for you. This treatment can be combined with IncontiLase for women who need more support (package pricing available).

    Treatment Time - 30 MINS
    Pain - MINIMAL
    Down Time - NONE

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Located in the Vernon Sterling Centre, our clinic offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for our patients.