PRP Treatment


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a serum made from your own blood. It contains a high concentration of platelets which send chemical signals to stem cells to initiate tissue regeneration. Since it is made from your own blood, there is no chance for allergic reaction or sensitivity.

We begin by collecting your blood which is spun in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets and plasma. The PRP can then be injected directly in the skin for a plumping “filler-like” effect, or combined with microneedling to boost collagen and elastin production. We also use it following laser peels or Plexr treatments to speed recovery post procedure.

Enjoy a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hatfield to discuss whether this treatment is suitable for you and your desired results.

Prices vary depending upon treatment, range $250-550 per treatment.

    Treatment Time - 30 MINS
    Down Time - NONE

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Located in the Vernon Sterling Centre, our clinic offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for our patients.